
Finally my kids will go camping again

inreachNothing frightens my kids more than being without cell phone coverage. Specifically the ability to text their friends everything they are doing every second of every day. Apparently at DeLorme they have teenagers too, because they came up with this great little device that ensures you are connected even in the middle of nowhere. Well, they pretend it’s purpose is for a more noble cause like to ensure that you are found when lost in the woods, but we all really know they made this so their teenagers would go camping with them. The DeLorme inReach gives you the ability to track where you are, send SOS messages and even text from remote locations where cell coverage is non-existent. I met up with Scott Allen at the DeLorme booth at CES where he graciously gave me a rundown of all the features of this device. Watch the video below for more:

For more information and where to get your hands on one of these bad boys go to

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