An update to Twitter’s blocking policy changes exactly how blocked users can interact with the users who have blocked them. Bear with us for a moment as we step through this.

Previously, if you blocked another user, that person could no longer follow your account, although they could still see your tweets (assuming your account was public, as most Twitter accounts apparently are). Twitter wouldn’t tell other users that they’d been blocked, although they could figure it out if they tried to follow you and couldn’t.

Now, though, any user you block can follow you and view your tweets directly in their timeline. They can also favorite, retweet and @-reply to your account—you just won’t see any of that activity in your timeline or your “connect” tab. You also won’t see anyone else who RTs, favorites or follows blocked users, and you won’t see blocked users among your followers.

In effect, blocking another user “mutes” them for you, but changes nothing for them.

A Twitter spokesperson told me that updating the blocking policy is intended to reduce the antagonism some people express when they’ve been blocked. Sometimes users who found out they’d been blocked would retaliate by getting — For more information read the original article here.    

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