
Facebook’s Paper is Facebook for people who hate Facebook


For the past couple years, Facebook has trained its mobile efforts on capturing various facets of social interaction. The social network has compartmentalized and optimized features (Messenger), mimicked the experiences of popular communication apps (Poke), and even tried a pseudo-OS (the still-remarkably-alive Facebook Home). But the company’s latest effort, Paper, takes a hard left away from social interaction and into content curation — and that’s not the most exciting thing it does.

Paper, created by a small group of developers, strips away nearly all vestiges of Facebook in both design and function. And, in doing so, it actually makes Facebook tolerable.

Lacking the social network’s signature blue coloring and traditional layouts, Paper’s series of cards feels more like Flipboard or Pocket than anything else. It’s clearly trained on news, and its backbone of human curators means that quality filters in to the app’s handful of categories. Users can pick and choose what they want to see, and receive both news stories and updates from relevant voices in the space. While scrolling through the “Tech” section, for example, I saw articles from The Verge and CNET as well as page updates from our own Om Malik. It’s — For more information read the original article here.    

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