Amazon has launched its long-rumored music streaming service, just one day after reports claiming it would do so this week. Prime Music follows on from Prime Instant Video and the Kindle Lending Library as an extra service included in the $99 annual Prime delivery subscription, giving customers the ability to stream music to multiple devices without any advertising....

-- For more information read the original article here.
A few days ago, Beats released the following commercial in anticipation of the World Cup, which gets underway this afternoon. Dubbed The Game Before The Game, the commercial features quite a few shots of the iPhone 5s, and, of course, no shortage of... -- For more information read the original article here.
A bug in Gmail could have left every user's email address on the service exposed to collection by outside parties for close to four years. A security researcher from Tel Aviv discovered the bug, which allowed him to collect 37,000 email addresses in as little as two hours with a brute force attack. The bug could allow someone to change a token in a URL, gained from a declining access notification in Gmail's delegation feature, using a script to gather addresses....

-- For more information read the original article here.
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