
As I sit here watching the Star Wars DVD in preparation for what could be one of the best Star Wars movies ever, being released later this week. I can’t help but think that maybe what Anakin needed was some time in the trenches before rising almost overnight to be the Emperor’s number two. I think a stint in middle management would have done him some good.

There is something to be said for working your way up the corporate ladder and not just getting to the top because you are the emperor’s bitch. Now I get that it isn’t as romantic as showing up one day and leading hordes of imperial stormtroopers into battle the next, but maybe, just maybe, putting together a few feasability studies on a rebel strike on imperial forces might have helped old Vader do his job better.

I am much more willing to follow someone because he has been where I am or has done the things he is asking me to do. Unfortunately it seems that sometimes the only way to get ahead is to be a professional ass kisser. The smoochers are getting ahead with little or no actual ability. Then the CEOs of the world sit scratching their head wondering why their company just isn’t as profitable as it used to be. Well it must be because of the “economy.”


Hmmm could it be that the jackasses that you are putting in the positions of power couldn’t tell the difference between their asshole and a whole in their head? At least Vader had the “Force” helping him make the right (or wrong) decisions. The only “force” these idiots have mastery over is how to force down another doughnut while looking busy.

2 Responses

  1. Oh no, it’s time for the Star Wars parables to begin. Ironically, this is a perfect explanation of the political appointment process. Except in today’s world, Vader would’ve run the Swift-Boat Stormtroopers for Truth PAC, and because of his fund raising prowess he would have earned his seat at the right hand of power.

  2. You want to know why companies are not as profitable as they used to be? It’s because of human greed and deception.

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