mobile browser market share

Android may have 80% of the smartphone market, but Android phone owners don't seem to be doing much on them.

Specifically, when it comes to mobile Web browsing, Apple's Safari browser for the iPhone has the largest mobile browser market share by a longshot.

Here's the breakdown of mobile browser market share from BI Intelligence.

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Higher resolution imagery, now available only to intel agencies, could benefit civilian agencies and boost the private sector. -- For more information read the original article here.

Twitter is off to a roaring start this week, closing 70% higher than its IPO price on its first day of trading. This bodes well for Twitter investors, but it may not do any favors to the traditional technology vendors that have minted billions servicing enterprise IT requirements. After all, while Oracle and other technology incumbents like to boast about how "the top five of five mega banks rely on our technology," in the age of the web giants, the scorecard looks more like "Zero out of all web companies depend upon our technology."

Are we seeing a changing of the technology guard?

Modern Data Infrastructure: Hadoop And Beyond

According to Cowen & Co. analyst Peter Goldmacher, the answer is "Yes." While new technologies like Hadoop in some cases simply sustain legacy technology businesses, there is a whole class of applications enabled by such modern data infrastructure that is beyond the legacy vendors. In true Innovator's Dilemma fashion, they simply make too much money sustaining yesterday's application workloads to be able to invest fully in modern applications. Quoting Goldmacher at length:

The legacy providers of data management systems have all fallen on hard times over the last year or two, and while many -- For more information read the original article here.
A Handy List of Airlines That Have Lifted the Ban on Gadgets
The FAA gave us the best treat in Halloween history: the ability to use our mobile devices during take-off, landing, and below 10,000 feet. The federal agency began approving airlines and their fleet of planes on November 1, and since ...

-- For more information read the original article here.

News: a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1939 but never built has been realised 74 years later at the campus of Florida Southern College. (more...)

-- For more information read the original article here.
3D-printed prostheses by Fripp Design and Research

News: 3D-printed nose and ear replacements for accident victims and people with facial disfigurements could be just a year away, according to a design firm working on a new generation of prosthetics (+ interview). (more...)

-- For more information read the original article here.
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